Hope Sparks Dreams

October 1st 2017 — A Dreamer Collection

Poppy Permata
The Amber Chamber


Golden hour

When we were kids, we can be an optimist who would take on the world anytime. But then you “grow up” and reality strikes in, facts start to emerge, and fears — well, they give you a sinking feeling. And then settling down for mediocrity becomes “the new normal”.

I had those moments, too, in my days. Along the way, I stopped dreaming. Truth be told, I forgot how to dream. Facts and fears, well they are the most lethal dream-killer, diminishing the slightest hope that begins to rise up. Somewhere along the line, I forgot what it feels like to have a child-like faith.

But, My Father didn’t want me to stay on that dark road for too long. He knows His daughter better than anyone. He already gives the best thing one could ever asked for. His perfect LOVE.

So He casts away those fears, and replaces them with HOPE.
Hope that sparks DREAMS.
Dreams that ALIGN with His desire.
A wholehearted desire that AWAKENS the spirit.🔥

The waiting may seem difficult to endure. Or you can’t yet see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s tempting, really, to take a shortcut and choose the logical path, or just take a detour, maybe switch lanes because it’s easier; or even stop yourself from waiting at all.

But if we hope for what we do not have yet, we eagerly wait for it patiently. (Yes, Paul!) He takes the wheel, enjoy the ride!



Poppy Permata
The Amber Chamber

Wordsmith. Warrior. | Bloom Rooms page now becomes medium.com/amberisthecolor | Instagram : poppyps_